There are particular characteristics and qualities you should look out for when employing a childcare worker to ensure the best possible experience for children while under their care.
When parents leave their child at a childcare facility or with a babysitting agency, they want to ensure their child is in good hands. Parents will generally research facilities offering childcare services to get a sense of the place and of the quality of its staff. There are particular characteristics and qualities you should look out for when employing a childcare worker to ensure the best possible experience for children while under their care.
A great childcare worker should have a natural connection with children and be sensitive to their needs. They should feel comfortable being around children, enjoy spending time with them, and want to help the grow and develop. Moreover, they'll display a positive, friendly attitude when relating to children or when children are in their care.
Patience is necessary when working with children. Working with children can often bring on stressful, frustrating, and even chaotic situations. If a child is behaving badly or is upset, it's important a childcare worker remains calm and doesn't become emotionally invested in the situation. A capacity to be patient and keep an even keel is a strong trait of a great childcare professional.
Clear, friendly communication is paramount when working in the childcare field. Childcare staff often need to explain rules to children and provide comfort, while also communicating with co-workers or relaying information to parents. They may even need to complete progress reports, which requires strong written communication. Being able to navigate these levels of interaction is a sign of a strong worker.
Children have so much energy, and it's important a childcare worker has the energy to follow them around and just keep track of what they're doing during the day. A great childcare worker will do what they can to maintain their stamina during the day, and will make sure they stay alert while on the job - as children could easily get into trouble when their back is turned.
In the case of an emergency at a childcare, it helps to know a childcare worker has the training and skills to handle a crisis in the absence of caregivers. Childcare workers who are trained in first aid, CPR, and allergy treatment will give parents that extra peace of mind and reassurance that their child is in safe hands. It's also important childcare workers are willing and ready to learn other important practical matters, such as appropriate food choices for children, and to commit to upskilling in their field.
Childcare is such a fast-paced environment, and there will often be circumstances in which the childcare worker will need to make a quick decision to resolve a problem. There may even be several challenging situations occurring all at once, which can be difficult to navigate for someone who is indecisive. When engaging in childcare recruitment, look for someone who will have the capacity to use good judgement and quick thinking to make the right decision when the need arises.