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Marian - 59yrs

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1 Day Response Rate

Childcare Jobs

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Au Pair Jobs


Tutoring Jobs

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check_box_outline_blankHigh School

Hi Mums and Dads, I'm Marian ( or Maz) and I love to help busy families. I know what's it's like having homeschooled my four children who are now grown up and now have 5 grandchildren who I love to hang out with. I have a drivers license, a teaching degree and experience as a qualified teacher and child guide. I am happy to help when you are in a bit if a pickle or need a night out with your husband.

First Aid & Accreditation

  • Tertiary Education Diploma
  • Bachelor Degree
  • First Aid

Childcare Experience

I have been carrying for children for over forty years in some capacity having an education degree teaching qualifications, and decades of teaching experience. I particularly enjoy helping families when things have turned to custard and help/support or care is needed. My grandchildren have taught me what young ones need- happy to be there for 1 years - 14 years Olds.

Tutoring Experience

I have homeschooled my four children. Eldest daughter is now a lecturer completing PHD at university at 28. I have helped them with a wide variety of subjects, my son is a qualified builder at 20.

Primary School

School Years: Year 1/2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8
Subjects: English, Reading, Maths