Hi I’m Kim, I live in Manly by the beach with my husband and three older children. Having had my own babies and being called in to help everyone I know with theirs, there is nothing I don’t know about babies! I have finished working now, I was a children’s Social Worker and I have also been a relieving teacher at an. Early childhood centre, now I want to do something that brings me joy which is babies. You will feel 100% confident that your precious wee human is in very experienced, calm and loving hands. x
I have a Bachelor of Social Work degree and worked with children and families. I have done relieving in ECE. I have raised my own children (but not so long ago that I’m out of date) mine are 20, 18 and 14 Most of all I adore babies, always have, I’ve been called a baby whisperer for as long as I can remember, i am just naturally at ease with babies and reading their cues. Newborns to under 2s are definitely my favourite age. x